Frostbite Technical Director Discusses PS4 API & PS3 SPU vs PS4 ACE

Unless you’re living in a cave, there’s a good chance you’ve heard much regarding AMD’s Mantle API (Application Programming Interface) which provides low level access to the GPU, thus reducing CPU overhead on the PC. We know that DirectX 12…

Killzone 3 vs Killzone Shadow Fall Technology – PS3 Vs PS4 Analysis Part 1

The Playstation 4 flexed its graphical prowess with the launch game: Killzone Shadow Fall; undoubtedly making for one of the most impressive graphical debuts of a console yet. As many know, launch titles with consoles are either rush jobs, or…

Xbox 720 Durango – What are ‘Move Engines’

Xbox 720 Move Engines – How they Work The Xbox 720 hasn’t been formally announced yet, but we know that it’s coming – and soon. The 21st of May will mark the day that the next generation Xbox is shown…