Kingston HyperX Savage 240GB SSD Review | The Perfect Gaming SSD?

It wasn’t too long ago SSD’s were the realm of the power user; drives were small and expensive – but fast as hell. Fortunately, prices (and performance) have improved considerably, with most gamer’s considering an SSD an essential piece of kit.…

Intel Shows Off Optane Technology – SSDs Powered By 3D XPoint Memory

You might recall a few weeks ago Intel proudly announced a brand new memory standard known as 3D XPoint, the product of a joint collaboration between both Intel and Micron. Intel promised 3D XPoint (pronounced Cross Point) would revolutionize the…

Jargon Buster – Learn Your CPU From Your GPU & RAM From HUMA

Despite our best attempts to make our tech analysis and post-mortems as in-depth and easy to understand as possible, not everyone is aware of some of the basic terms and phrases that we throw about frequently. In this very article…

cheap and good performing solid state drives

Best Solid State Drives (SSD’s) For Your cash

With the price of traditional drives still fairly high, and showing little sign of lowering, if you’re interested in a new drive, jumping headlong into the market of SSD’s might be a smarter choice. Tom’s Hardware have a rather nice article…