Destiny 2 to Be More Casual Friendly, Launches This August

Destiny 2 has been on the cards pretty much since the launch of the hugely successful original, and it seems that it will be coming out this August. It seems that Activision has its eyes set on increasing the newcomers…

Mass Effect Andromeda Survey Spills Plot Details & Open World Galaxy

Mass Effect Andromeda isn’t due out until 2017, and as such, we know basically nothing about it. However, today we might have gotten a sneak peak at what the story and theme of Mass Effect Andromeda will be. This is…

Watch Dogs PC Review

Ubisoft’s Watch Dogs is certainly one of the biggest game releases of this year, and for many a title they are hoping will help define the next generation. There’s been a huge roller-coaster of hype surrounding the titles release, everything…

First Call of Duty Advanced Warfare Screenshots Inside !!

After a few leaks and rumors running free and wild on the open plains of the internet, Activision have officially revealed Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare as the next title on their FPS franchise, as well as showing the first…

Final Fantasy 15 New Combat Mechanics Info & Screens

The product pages for Final Fantasy 15’s PS4 & Xbox One versions were recently updated, detailing some the combat mechanics, plot and character info. I discussed most of the information regarding the gameplay (combat) details, as well as the plot…

Bound By Flame – Screenshots Released

Bound By Flame, which is being developed by Spiders Studios, has had a few screenshots released. Bound By Flame is an upcoming action RPG which promises to combine both tactical and dynamic combat, set in a story revolving around a…

SimCity – Offline Mode Took 6 Months Work, Claims Engineer

As I recently reported, SimCity will finally be getting an offline mode. According to a Lead Engineer, this took about 6 months work to rework significant parts of the game’s architecture. When writing on the official SimCity blog, Simon Fox…

SimCity – Finally Getting Offline Mode With New Patch

That’s right. Both EA and Maxis said it wasn’t possible, but the next update is bringing offline play to SimCity. This was revealed by Maxis’ general manager Patrick Buechner, who made an official post on the official SimCity website. Unfortunately…

Killzone: Shadow Fall Multiplayer Details Revealed

Guerilla Games released a ton of information on the Killzone: Shadow Fall mulitplayer, including weapons, classes, cover system, gameplay modes and abilities. Also, as I fully covered in the video below, they revealed that all of the post launch DLC…