Orcs Must Die! Unchained Dev Clarifies Standing On “Toxic” Players

A designer working for Robot Entertainment, the guys behind Orcs Must Die! Unchained, made some rather interesting comments yesterday regarding toxic players in their community. If you want the full lowdown on what he said, as well as my thoughts…

The Division – Visual Downgrades Confirmed by Developer

Apparently we have not had enough of developers throwing high quality gameplay, with stunning visuals and boasting about how graphically beautiful their next up-and-coming game will look, then as soon as everyone is excited and expectation are at their greatest,…

Gumball Tumble – Developer Opinions on Unity 2D

Hi, this is The Kid here at Red Gaming Tech! I don’t often write articles for the main site, something I hope to change over the coming months, but here I am today to discuss my newly released Android game,…

Will Virtual Reality In Gaming Take off? – Thoughts and Opinions

  Is Virtual Reality really going to be a hit in gaming? With the light beginning to shine on Virtual Reality there are some considerations to be made. Both Sony and Oculus are creating their respective headsets and within the…

Rainbow Six Siege – Early Thoughts & Opinions

It has been a while since we had a good tactical shooter on the market. This is personally one of my favorite genres and I am definitely looking forward to Rainbow Six Siege. Ubisoft debuted the game at E3 2014…

Watch Dogs – Ubisoft Clears Up PS4 & Xbox Resolution Mess

As you probably know (how could you not?), Sony made a rather large boo boo yesterday by incorrectly reporting Watch Dogs frame rate and resolution. Fortunately, Ubisoft has stepped in and clarified matters with some cold, hard facts. Posting  on…

Final Fantasy 15 New Combat Mechanics Info & Screens

The product pages for Final Fantasy 15’s PS4 & Xbox One versions were recently updated, detailing some the combat mechanics, plot and character info. I discussed most of the information regarding the gameplay (combat) details, as well as the plot…

Battlefield 4 – Latest Patch Brings In More Bugs – Including No Sound

DICE has released yet another patch for the beleagured Battlefield 4, but it brought some uninvited guests along with the fixes. These rather unwelcome additions, stoaways aboard the good  ship BF4 Patch, are rather game breaking bugs. As the Battlelog…

Battlefield 4 – Naval Strike DLC Screenshots

Battlefield 4 and it’s Naval Strike DLC, had a rather lovely amount of information revealed today, alongside some tasty screenshots. Most of the pertinent information regarding the four maps being included in the DLC expansion, Lost Islands, Wave Breaker, Nansha…

Metal Gear Solid 5: Ground Zeroes – Runs At 1080p On PS4 & 720p On Xbox One

As CrimsonRayne recently discussed, Metal Gear Solid 5 Ground Zeroes have had it’s resolution and framerate revealed for both the Xbox One and Playstation 4. I won’t go too much into the differences here, as Crimson discusses it in quite…

SimCity – Offline Mode Took 6 Months Work, Claims Engineer

As I recently reported, SimCity will finally be getting an offline mode. According to a Lead Engineer, this took about 6 months work to rework significant parts of the game’s architecture. When writing on the official SimCity blog, Simon Fox…

SimCity – Finally Getting Offline Mode With New Patch

That’s right. Both EA and Maxis said it wasn’t possible, but the next update is bringing offline play to SimCity. This was revealed by Maxis’ general manager Patrick Buechner, who made an official post on the official SimCity website. Unfortunately…

Tomb Raider Definitive Edition Not Coming To PC

The upcoming Tomb Raider Definitive Edition will not be making it’s way to PC, Eidos has confirmed. Eidos officially confirmed this today, with a post on their forums’ FAQ; “Tomb Raider Definitive Edition was designed and rebuilt from the ground…