GTA Trilogy Remaster Uses DLSS & Trailer Dropping Soon

  The GTA Trilogy remaster collection, AKA GTA Trilogy Definitive Edition, was confirmed not all that long ago, and it will include the classics Grand Theft Auto III, San Andreas and Vice City. When the GTA Trilogy remaster collection was…

Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind | First Gameplay Trailer & New Screenshots

While many people, including myself, would prefer a proper remake of Morrowind the ESO expansion is the next best thing. Today, we got the very first gameplay trailer for the Elder Scrolls Online expansion, as well as some nostalgia-inducing screenshots.…

Starcraft 2 Legacy Of The Void Two Player Mode & Trailer Reveal

BlizzCon has barely begun, but we already have some information on the much awaited Starcraft 2: Legacy of the Void. This early reveal comes to us courtesy of writer James Blocksom, who posted a photo via Instagram. This picture features…

Rainbow Six Siege – Early Thoughts & Opinions

It has been a while since we had a good tactical shooter on the market. This is personally one of my favorite genres and I am definitely looking forward to Rainbow Six Siege. Ubisoft debuted the game at E3 2014…

Battlefield Hardline Trailer Has Been Leaked

Just yesterday we reported that Electronic Art’s new Battlefield title, known as Battlefield Hardline was in development by Visceral Games. There was a bunch of different icons, images and other bits and pieces released in the leak. Since then, Electronic…

Don’t Starve – Reign of Giants DLC Teased

Don’t Starve, the lovely title from Klei Entertainment, has had some upcoming DLC teased by the name of Reign of Giants. Klei revealed the DLC a couple of days ago, accompanied by a teaser trailer. I say “revealed” because very…

New Natural Doctrine Screenshots & Trailer Released

A bunch of screenshots and a shiny new trailer were released for the upcoming RPG, Natural Doctrine. So far, Natural Doctrine (which is being developed by Kadokawa Games) is looking to contain some pretty standard, if a little old school,…