The open beta and release date of Overwatch is almost upon us, but the closed beta just got a significant update with the addition of a Competitive Play mode. According to post from Blizzard on the forums, the new…

The open beta and release date of Overwatch is almost upon us, but the closed beta just got a significant update with the addition of a Competitive Play mode. According to post from Blizzard on the forums, the new…
Starbound has been in early access for a long time – over two years, in fact. But it seems the time has finally come, as Starbound is finally preparing to launch into the big leagues. Patch 1.0 is apparently “getting…
Far Cry Primal is now out on PS4 and Xbox One, with a PC release coming next week. As is pretty standard these days, the game comes with a sizeable day one patch. However, it comes with some rather nice:…
Blizzard definitely seems to have a “go big or go home” attitude for a lot of their patches, and the Diablo 3 patch 2.3 is no exception. The biggest thing this update brings to the table is Kanai’s Cube, which…
Starbound, the game currently in early access and developed by Chucklefish, will be getting a huge update centered around colonies. This means that you will soon be able to start colonies and attract new NPCs with distinct personalities. The buildings…
The PS4 and Xbox One versions of Rockstar’s runaway classic GTA 5 will finally be getting the Rockstar editor this September. September will also be bringing some changes to the PC version, too. You’ll be able to add audio tracks…
The Xbox One preview program is pretty much a treasure trove of changes every month, and the one for May is no different. Interestingly, some of the updates are for Windows 10, so Microsoft seem to be starting rather early…
April’s system update for the Xbox One is now ready for download, and comes with some subtle, but highly requested, features. Microsoft have been throwing out updates left right and center every month with requested functions, which Microsoft states is…
I don’t know why but this game seems to have slipped under the radar slightly from certain reviewers/critics with its outrageously ridiculous server issues. Seems most are really enjoying the games single player mode without really diving into this area…
Ubisoft have released some information on the latest upcoming patch for The Crew. The star of the show is undoubtedly the newly added PvP mode, but the update also comes with the usual host of fixes and gameplay changes. You…
If you too are addicted to Destiny like me, then you may be aware that the latest Crota’s End Raid can be completed easily within around 30-45 minutes with all the glitches or “cheese’s” that are floating around YouTube. Since…
Are you man enough? Are ya?! Do you have balls of steel? Then Alien Isolation’s newest update should please you, as it added a harder mode to the game. There is also an easier mode in there as well, if…
Bungie has, as helpful as ever, gone through the improvements coming to Iron Banner when it returns to Destiny next year. As you Destiny buffs undoubtedly know, the Iron Banner is a competitive multiplayer mode made available which is only…
Looks like we won’t be waiting much longer at all for the latest PS4 Update – codename Masamune! PlayStation posted a release date of the 28th October via Twitter: Yes, less than a week until we can all enjoy…
I quite like how Microsoft pushes out updates. Pretty much every month Microsoft pushes out an update with a couple of interesting new features. While Sony have a method of giving users constant monthly “system stability” updates, then throws everything…