Playstation 4’s Sharing Functionality Controllable By Developers

The much touted Share Button on Sony’s Playstation 4 can be disabled on specific games, or certain sections of games. This news comes from Sony’s Sony Worldwide Studios president Shuhei Yoshida, who was speaking to during an interview. He was originally…

Aliens Colonial Marines Review and Thoughts

Aliens Colonial Marines had a lot of hopes pinned on it, but seems to have left a bad taste in everyone’s mouth – especially the consumers. When I first saw trailers of Aliens Colonial Marines I must confess – I perhaps lost myself…

Microsoft’s new machinima, Video and Fanfiction Rules – Similar, Yet Different!

Microsoft clarifies its rules based on creations from its work. Red Vs Blue is one of the most famous machinima’s of all time, but if you plan to follow in its footsteps you might want to read this. It’s a…