Tomb Raider 30FPS on X1 & 60 PS4, Watch Dogs PS4 Version Better Says Insider

It was recently confirmed that the Xbox One’s version of Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition is going to be running mostly at 30FPS compared to the PS4’s 60FPS. However, as if that’s not enough, the industry insider Thuway, also known as…

Most Powerful Japanese Gaming Company is Namco Bandi

Each and every year, Tokyo Keizai publishes what it calls the “New Corporate Power Rankings”. In this list, the business and economy magazine ranks Japanese businesses based on four factors. Growth, Safety, Scale and of course profitability. It’s crucial to…

Child of Light Screenshots Released

Ubisoft has officially released some screenshots for Child of Light, as well as a ton of information on the game. This title, which is coming to both PC and console, is being developed with Patrick Plourde at the home, creative…

Rayman Legends Revealed for PC Release

Ubisoft has officially confirmed a PC release for Rayman Legends. The PC version of the game is going to be released alongside the release of all the other confirmed versions on Xbox 360, PS3, PS Vita and Wii U in…

Toki Tori 2 + To Be Released on PC

Developer Two Tribes has confirmed that Toki Tori 2 will be released on the PC, with numerous additions. As you might have guessed, the + in the title shows that the PC port of Toki Tori 2 will include a…

More Wolfenstein The New Order Screenshots & First Gameplay Video

Bethesda has released more screenshots for Wolfenstein The New Order, alongside the very first gameplay video. This new load of screens and the first gameplay video released for the title also coincides with the newest previews of the game. Wolfenstein…

New Pikmin 3 Wii U Screenshots Released

Nintendo has released a batch of screenshots for Pikmin 3, which is to be released on the Wii U on July 26. These screens give you a very good preview look at the graphics, textures and gameplay that we will…

New Wolfenstein The New Order Screenshots Released

Bethesda has released a batch of new Wolfenstein The New Order screenshots today, which is an upcoming cross platform release from Machine Games. This upcoming FPS is being developed by Machine Games who, as some of may know, is made…

New Watch Dogs Screenshots Released

A new batch of screenshots for Watch Dogs, Ubisoft’s upcoming game, have just been released online. Watch Dogs is going to be released on PS4, PS3, Xbox 360, Wii U & PC on November 19 for everything but the Playstation…