Corrinne Yu – PS4 Graphics Programming – Coding to Metal

  Corrinne Yu, who is the former Principal Engine Programmer for 343 Industries has now joined Naughty Dog. Prior to working her five years at 343 Industries Corrinne worked with developer Gearbox Software (responsible for titles such as Borderlands). “I…

windows 8 upgrade to cost under $40 and $20

Microsoft Announce You Can Upgrade To Windows 8 for $14.99 to $39.99!

Microsoft surprises us with cheap Windows 8 Upgrade Anyone who’s a regular reader of RGT knows I like to throw my thoughts into things – and this is certainly an unexpected move by Microsoft. I have used pretty much every…

AMD (ATI) Discontinues Monthly Driver Updates, But Release Catalyst 12.6 (beta)

For around a decade now, AMD (or for most of that period, should I say ATI) were well known for their pretty much monthly release of WQHL-certified video drivers. This offered many numerous benefits, such as slowly being able to implement…

Microsoft To Showoff ‘Woodstock’ Xbox Music Service At E3

The Verge have revealed that Microsoft will be showing off its Zune replacement at the upcoming E3 show. The new replacement, (currently codenamed Woodstock) will support cross platform play, with Windows 8, Android, IOS, XBOX 360 playable from a browser. It’s…