World of Warcraft subscribers have dropped to 5.6 million, and while that is still a lot of people, that is the lowest they’ve been in nine years. You might remember that the game had 7.1 million subscribers at the end…

World of Warcraft subscribers have dropped to 5.6 million, and while that is still a lot of people, that is the lowest they’ve been in nine years. You might remember that the game had 7.1 million subscribers at the end…
The World of Warcraft film is undoubtedly one of the biggest games-into-films projects that has ever been attempted, and pressures are high on everybody involved to get it juuuuust right. Well, two images from the film have surfaced, and they…
After a period of time where the subscribers only seemed to decrease, Blizzard has announced that World of Warcraft subscribers are up to 7.4 as of the 30th September, which is up from the 6.8 reported in June. As I…
Blizzard made a rather interesting announcement this week, saying that deleted characters will get a chance to come back from the dead in the latest patch, update 6.0.2 Up until now, any character who has been deleted has been erased…
This is one piece of news that didn’t make many front pages, but it’s certainly interesting. Ben Kilgore who served as corporate vice president of Xbox program management has officially left Microsoft to serve at Blizzard. He’s taken on the job…
Blizzard revealed today that a trojan which had been disguised as a popular World of Warcraft add on, compromised several WoW accounts. According to a post on MMO Champion‘s support forum, the trojan was hidden within a fake version of…
Blizzard has confirmed that they will be adding a micro transaction store to World of Warcraft, as was previously rumored. They intend to initially release this new addition to the game in Asian regions, which will give players the option…
Bad news for the millions of fans eagerly awaiting Blizzard’s upcoming MMO, which is code named as Titan – it is going to be seeing a release of 2016, and that is at the earliest. There has been a report…
World of Warcraft and RIft were two of the biggest Pay To Play games left, and now Rift is going the Free To Play route too. The MMORPG market is changing rapidly, and many MMO’s have been forced into the…
WoW Mists of Pandaria players will get four new Scenarios and a new Heroic Mode as part of the upcoming update, Patch 5.3 Blizzard has released a ton of information on what the new patch update will include, but has…
Murdering thousands of helpless World of Warcraft players will now be a thing of the past If you have been a long time World of Warcraft player you’ll know about glitches. You’ll also more than likely be familiar with the…
Just a reminder that tomorrow, September 25th, is the release of World of Warcraft expansion Mists of Pandaria. New features can be summed up like this (well, sort of): Level 90 Pandaren Monk LF Challenge Mode Dungeon. Will be waiting…
Blizzard has now officially released a cinematic trailer for the upcoming expansion for World of Warcraft, Mists of Pandaria. The trailer, while very well put together and nice to look at, doesn’t really show anything new, mostly due to it’s…
This is a current, complete(ish) guide to the BoE faction-specific items found through various vendors and quests in Azeroth. Once upon a time, before goblin death knights, guild perks and LFR, you could only make characters on one side of…
For those of you who’re looking to to re-roll in the upcoming expansion, MMO-Champion have put out two videos that feature the new Pandaren’s intro and is well worth the look. Will you be returning to WoW with the release…