Xbox One Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Bundle

A new Xbox One bundle has been announced at Gamescom 2014 yesterday for the upcoming Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare. Phil Spencer revealed the news during Microsoft’s press conference at Gamescom. The new bundle will include a digital copy of…

Phil Spencer – Rise Of The Tomb Raider Is Timed Exclusive for Xbox

It was quite a shocking time for gamers last night. During Microsoft’s presentation at Gamescom, it was announced that Tomb Raider: Rise of the tomb Raider would be an exclusive to Xbox One. This was a huge shock to gamers…

Creating Indie Games On The Xbox One | Analysis Of Xbox Indie Scene At Developer Day 2014

Several years ago, Indie Game development for consoles was a rate thing, instead pushed primarily on the PC. But the release of Microsoft’s Xbox 360 went a long way to changing this, with one of the consoles launch titles being the rather…

Inside The Xbox One | AMD & Microsoft Developer Day Analysis & Breakdown | Tech Tribunal Part 1

There’s a good chance you’ve heard a lot about the insides of the Xbox One, but there’s much that’s still unclear regarding the CPU, eSRAM and its API. Microsoft have combined forces with AMD (who’re responsible for creating much of…