Watch Dogs – 4 Million Units Sold In 1st Week

Rather impressively, Ubisoft’s Watch Dogs has sold a staggering 4 million units in it’s first week of sale, leading Ubisoft to call it the best selling new IP at launch across the industry. GFK Chart Track did make similar comments…

Xbox One’s eSRAM Performance Discussed by Wolfgang Engel

There’s much been made of the Xbox One’s specs, but despite the fact it’s giving up some GPU grunt to the Playstation 4, the largest criticism leveled at the console is likely at the eSRAM. The eSRAM is 32MB of…

Naughty Dog Developers Discuss Xbox One DirectX 12 & Playstation 4 API Optimization

For PC owners, DirectX 12’s release next year will solve a long running issue with PC gaming – lack of a low level GPU access via the API. Sure, right now we’ve got AMD’s awesome Mantle API, but there are…

Watch Dogs Xbox One Vs Playstation 4 Graphics Comparison & Analysis | Tech Tribunal

Watch Dogs finally out in the shops and so for users who have access to both the Playstation 4 and Xbox One versions of the title you’ll likely have questions of which machine will provide you the better gameplay experience?…

Shadow Warrior 60FPS But Runs 900P on Xbox One, Playstation 4 Manages 1080P

Flying Wild Hog’s Shadow Warrior made a name for itself on the PC last year the title being a reboot of a 1997 release. Since then we’ve learned it’ll be making its way to generation consoles. Since the title is…

Developers Aren’t All Happy About Kinect-Less Xbox One

Microsoft’s decoupling of Kinect was inevitable, and wasn’t a question of “if” but instead “when”. Not all developers (or indeed customers) are happy with Microsoft’s decision to release a Kinect-Less Xbox One, with several devs being rather vocal in their shock…

Watch Dogs – Ubisoft Clears Up PS4 & Xbox Resolution Mess

As you probably know (how could you not?), Sony made a rather large boo boo yesterday by incorrectly reporting Watch Dogs frame rate and resolution. Fortunately, Ubisoft has stepped in and clarified matters with some cold, hard facts. Posting  on…

First Call of Duty Advanced Warfare Screenshots Inside !!

After a few leaks and rumors running free and wild on the open plains of the internet, Activision have officially revealed Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare as the next title on their FPS franchise, as well as showing the first…

Final Fantasy 15 New Combat Mechanics Info & Screens

The product pages for Final Fantasy 15’s PS4 & Xbox One versions were recently updated, detailing some the combat mechanics, plot and character info. I discussed most of the information regarding the gameplay (combat) details, as well as the plot…

ID@Xbox Parity Clause To Be Reviewd By Microsoft In Some Cases

After receiving some criticism, Microsoft has loosened things up a little for developers unable to meet their ID@Xbox self-publishing release parity clause. In case you’re unaware, usually the ID@Xbox program will require indie developers who are looking at self publishing…

Watch Dogs Visual Downgrade Rumors On Console?

The release of the PS4 and X1 have pushed gamer’s to be particularly concerned with the resolution and graphics of the AAA titles. Just yesterday we reported that Watch Dogs on the PS4 would be running at 1080P / 30FPS…