Beyond The Power – What Next Generation Gives You

What Will PS4 and Xbox 720 Bring Other Than Faster Hardware We expect the next generation of consoles – The XBox 720 and Playstation 4 to be substantially better spec wise than the previous generation. It’s not an unfair expectation,…

Challenge of Following Rocksteady – We’re standing on the shoulders of giants

As reported earlierBatman Arkham Origins is well under way, and will be seeing a release of October 25th. People’s reactions are already nervous – can Warner Brothers Montreal possibly pull off a title that is as good as Rocksteady? Senior…

Microsoft Officially Apologises for Orth’s “Deal With It” Comments on Always on DRM

Most of you have probably seen the Twitter posts from Microsoft creative director Adam Orth, which told haters of always online DRM to “deal with it.” Microsoft have issued an official apology. If you haven’t seen our original article on…

Xbox 720 ‘Durango’ Vs Playstation 4 Orbis – Comparison of Latest Hardware Specifications

Xbox 720 Durango vs Playstation 4 Orbis Tech Specs Compared The Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 have been firmly established in the hearts and minds of gamers by now – and everyone is aware of what the consoles can do.…

Xbox 720 ‘Durango’ Specs Apparently Leaked – Appears Less Powerful Than Orbis

The XBox 720 Durango specs leaked It appears that the Xbox 720 while still being a massive jump from this current generation (Including Nintendo’s Wii U) will still fall a little behind the Playstation 4 Orbis with the graphical power.…

next generation xbox released in 2013

Xbox 720 Documents leaked. 6x the power, BluRay, $299.

Heads will likely be rolling right about… NOW! As Microsoft have accidentally let leak a 56-page document detailing the Xbox 720 has seen the light of day. Although the paper is from August, 2010 it’s loaded with details such as…