Tekken Tag Tournament 2 Xbox Live Marketplace shows Online Pass

Tekken Tag Tournament 2 looks to be the latest in a growing list of games which supports Online Passes

Also on the list for Tekken Tag Tournament 2 is a Bikini bundle, and the ability to download more characters to the game. 

If you are unfamiliar with the concept of an Online Pass, it’s fairly simple to explain. If you choose to rent or buy a game used, you must pay a fee to enable you to use its multiplayer online features. Usually, this fee (judging from past history) will see Tekken Tag Tournaments 2 Online Pass at around the $10 mark. Understandably this is not that popular with gamers looking to save a few bucks by buying used, and some argue does nothing to help those who are on the fence and are renting the game to try it before buying.

On the other hand, if you end up buying Tekken Tag 2 used, Namco are not seeing a penny of your cash, something that games developers have been fairly keen recently to start stamping out on.

Tekken Tag Tournament Downloadable Characters and Bikini Pack

There is also the option to buy the DLC pre-bonus characters too, as well as the pre-order Bikini bundle and it appears that various music will be downloadable too (which somewhat makes sense, music in Namco’s fighting games has always been top notch, hence the release of several OST’s). All of these items are listed currently as free, and while it’s entirely possible that their prices will remain at $0 it is worth noting that the same thing happened with Street Fighter X Tekken’s DLC when it was shown on the XBox LIve MarketPlace. Whether this is the case again will of course be made clear in the not too distant future.

Tekken Tag Tournament 2 First page of DLC – Click to enlarge
Tekken Tag Tournament 2 Second DLC – Click to enlarge

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