The Walking Dead Survival Instinct FPS Confirmed for Wii U Release

Activision has confirmed that their upcoming FPS The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct will be releasing on the Wii U, alongside PC, PS3 and Xbox 360 versions.

They have also announced a release date for us here in the UK. which will be March 29. Also, when discussing the Wii U version of the game with Digital Spy, producer Glenn Gamble said,

“We were over halfway through the project when the Wii U thing started coming about.We didn’t want to change the game, because the game had already been established, so we tried to say, ‘What can we augment with the Wii U version?
That’s where it’s basically a more elegant inventory management system. With the Wii U you have access to your backpack at all times, so you can tap what weapons you want, you can drop stuff. It’s a lot more streamlined.”

The whole concept for the game is an interesting one, especially since it will be rather jarring in comparison to Telltale Games’ slow paced, story focused third person point and click-alike The Walking Dead. Obviously you cannot compare the two as games, but it will still be interesting to see a different developer’s take on the grim and dangerous world of The Walking Dead.

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