Today’s Deals 16 July Steam Summer Sale

A fairly so-so collection of games today, with only a couple tempting me with their bargain shinies. However, there are some good offers available in today’s Steam Summer Sale, so let’s take a look.

Assassin’s Creed Collection (£19.99 – 76% off!)

I doubt there are many out there who need to be told about the awesomeness of the AC series. If you’ve been holding off on buying them on PC though, the entire collection (every single game in the franchise!) is available, even including the DLC for Revelations. However, I will list the individual prices for those who are just considering a single title, as these obviously too have a discount.

Assassin’s Creed £2.49, Assassin’s Creed 2 £3.74, Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood £4.99 and finally Assassin’s Creed Revelations for £10.19.

RAGE (£9.99 – 67% off!)

This is not a game I have personally played, but I know Crimson rates it fairly highly, despite the laughable graphics options this title had at launch. That has now been fixed however, and it does seem like quite a nice FPS.

Iron Front (£13.33 – 33% off!)

Not played this either, but it seems to be an avoid. This discount is not all that great by Steam Sale standard, and this game seems to have negative reviews wherever I look. For this price, doesn’t seem worth it.

Metro 2033 (£3.75 – 75% off!)

This is a deal that is reaaaalllly tempting me right now. Anyone who regularly watches our channel/site will know that I not usually one for FPS, but I have seen enough of this game to know that it is not your usual fare. Crimson rates this very highly indeed, and for this insanely cheap price it seems like any FPS fan yet to play it needs to pick this up!

Men of War Collection (£11.24 – 75% off!)

Again, not one I have really played but the price for the whole collection is actually insanely cheap. It seems to be like any person into their strategy games might just want to look into this one, with six games included and all the DLC for the MoW: Assault Squad and Vietnam games. Each of the games individually are also 75% off, so if just one is tickling your fancy, I say go for it.

Age of Empires III: Complete Collection (£7.49 – 75% off!)

The Age of Empires franchise is hardly one I need to explain to any RTS fans out there, and here it is at quite a reduction. From what I can see in the screenshots, this is a beautiful game, despite the fact that it was released in 2009. It seems to rate quite highly, with a metacritic score of 81/100, so may just be worth picking up.

Dear Esther (£1.74 – 75% off!)

This a rather unusual game, one that cannot really be called a “game” in the proper sense of the word. It is more of an interactive story, albeit one with a very nice sense of atmosphere. Crimson actually covered this on our channel, so go check it out if you’re unsure.

Indie Bundle V (£6.99 – 75% off!)

This is probably the weakest of the Indie Bundles so far, with only one game that holds my personal interest – Ys: The Oath in Felghana. However, the price is still right, so let’s take a look at what’s included and their individual prices.

AudioSurf £1.49, Gemini Rue £6.99, Greed Corp £1.99, The Tiny Bang Story £1.75, Ys: The Oath in Felghana £3.39.

As I said Ys is the only one interesting to me, but there are some pretty decent discounts on all of those except Gemini Rue. Crimson actually covered the game Ys: Origins for our channel, so go check it out if you want to know what kind of RPG action The Oath probably has in store for you.

Star Wars: Knights of The Old Republic (£1.74 – 75% off!)

I’m pretty sure every gamer out there has at least heard of this, even if they haven’t played it. It seems to be some kind of law for this to be included in the Steam Sale, and this one is no exception. If you somehow haven’t picked it up yet, you may as well for this price, it is a classic game and well deserving of all the hype surrounding it.

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