Visceral Games, who are obviously the developers currently working on Dead Space 3 – could possibly have a MOBA (multiplayer online battle arena)/ DOTA style game planned for their next release.
This rumour has come about due to severalĀ vacancy listings, one of which was posted in EA’s free to play division “Play4Free” which specifically asked for “unhealthy passion for MOBA games” (thanks CVG). There was also another, completely separate listing for a game designer, with one of the specifications for the role being “experience on MOBA, Action RTS, Action RPG, or Related Genres”
It could also possibly be a mostly PC based game, which is hinted at another job listing for a character concept artist for “an upcoming PC action title” which is quite possibly related to the same project mentioned in the previous listings.
With Dead Space 3 approaching the final stages of development and steadily moving toward release, could Visceral be going into new seas with a MOBA/DOTA style game? It certainly seems likely, and with the increasing popularity of such games due to the success of League of Legends and Heroes of Newerth, it would definitely make sense.
I only hope that they do their research first, because it will be quite different for them, so I only hope they can follow in Hi Rez’ footsteps and make a stellar game like that of Smite, which is currently in Beta.