Wii U Gets Interactive Comic for Mass Effect 3 says Bioware

The Dark Horse Interactive Comic will feature in the Wii U Mass Effect 3

The interactive comic will provide a means for players unfamiliar with the Mass Effect universe to get to grips with the series backstory and carry in game decisions.

Wii U Mass Effect 3 gets extended Cut and Dark Horse Interactive Comic

Melanie Faulknor of Bioware told GotGame that the Dark Horse interactive Comic will guide players through the first two Mass Effect games, allowing them to make choices for when they first begin Mass Effect 3. While it is obviously somewhat sad for Wii U owners that they will not get Mass Effect 1 or 2, at least there will be ways for players to understand the tremendous back-story. There are not however, specifics on how the comics will branch into the story.

The Wii U Version of Mass Effect 3 will be developed by a third party

Melanine Faulknor also mentioned that the Wii U version of Mass Effect 3 will be developed by a third party developer (although she did not mention names), but did say they had previous experience with Nintendo (so start your speculation people!).

The Wii U also gets the extended cut of Mass Effect 3, rather than the original endings which caused so many players of the series to be up in arms.

Bioware are also planning a single player DLC for Mass Effect 3, which is likely to center on Command Shepard, once again though, further details are not available currently.

The Wii U’s release date is also subject to debate, with popular speculation ranging from November to December. Nintendo have promised a “reasonable” price for the system however.

Time will tell if Mass Effect 3 sells well on the console, I can’t help but feel that most players would have gone through it on either the 360, PS3 or PC by now. For the PC the requirements are not that high, and I imagine most who will buy the Wii U will have owned a 360 or PS3, on the other hand, time will tell, and at least it helps expand the consoles library.

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