World of Warcraft – Faction-specific items

This is a current, complete(ish) guide to the BoE faction-specific items found through various vendors and quests in Azeroth.

Once upon a time, before goblin death knights, guild perks and LFR, you could only make characters on one side of a PvP realm in World of Warcraft. This was all well and good, probably crucial to the war effort, but a little awkward for collectors since certain items could not be found on your faction. On the other hand, with the help of an enemy spy, some flight paths and the neutral auctioneers in Booty Bay, you could get yourself a pretty steady source of income for relatively little effort.

Even now, knowing where to find rare items on the other side is useful. Many collectors would rather spend their gold on the AH than go to the trouble of obtaining them and if you want the Iron Chef achievement you currently need recipes from both factions. Now, I did include a few items found on both factions, but for a reason. All of them are random spawns on a long timer at a mobile vendor,  If you do happen to go to Booty Bay or Everlook to transfer items for the gold, don’t to check the neutral vendors for items as well.

Of course, this is just a Cataclysm current list. With the launch of Mists of Pandaria on September 25th, it could become outdated. If you find new items that are not on this list or if an item is no longer obtainable, let us know!

Alliance Only vendor items

Recipe: Blood Sausage
Recipe: Crocolisk Steak
Recipe: Goretusk Liver Pie
Recipe: Loch Frenzy Delight
Recipe: Clam Chowder
Recipe: Redridge Goulash
Recipe: Crocolisk Gumbo
Recipe: Gooey Spider Cake
Recipe: Murloc Fin Soup
Recipe: Seasoned Wolf Kabobs
Recipe: Barbecued Buzzard Wing *
Recipe: Mystery Stew *
Schematic: Gnomish Universal Remote
Pattern:Bright Yellow Shirt
Pattern: Black Whelp Cloak
Pattern: Black Whelp Tunic
Pattern: Red Whelp Gloves
Pattern: Herbalist’s Gloves
Rabbit Crate (Snowshoe)
Cat Carrier (Bombay)
Cat Carrier (Cornish Rex)
Cat Carrier (Orange Tabby
Cat Carrier (Silver Tabby)
White Moth Egg
Yellow Moth Egg
Blue Moth Egg
Great Horned Owl
Hawk Owl
Cat Carrier (White Kitten)
Bold Yellow Shirt
Stylish Black Shirt

Alliance Quest Rewards

Recipe: Roasted Moongraze Tenderloin
Pattern: Moonglow Vest
Plans: Heavy Copper Longsword
Plans: Ironforge Breastplate

Horde Only vendor items

Recipe: Crispy Batwing
Recipe: Lynx Steak
Recipe: Scorpid Surprise
Recipe: Roeasted Kodo Meat
Recipe: Bat Bites
Recipe: Crispy Lizard Tail
Recipe: Heavy Crocolisk Stew
Recipe: Hot Lion Chops *
Recipe: Jungle Stew *
Pattern: Azure Silk Cloak
Pattern: Icy Cloak
Pattern: Raptor Hide Harness
Black Kingsnake
Brown Snake
Golden Dragonhawk Hatchling
Red Dragonhawk Hatchling
Silver Dragonhawk Hatchling
Prarie Dog Whistle

Horde Quest Rewards

Pattern: Kodohide Bag
Plans: Barbaric Iron Boots
Plans: Barbaric Iron Breastplate
Plans: Barbaric Iron Gloves
Plans: Barbaric Iron Helm
Plans: Barbaric Iron Shoulders

*just really, really annoying for the other faction to get.

Not listed: Argent Tournament pets, various rare transmogrification gear, faction specific mob drops.

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