The new Xbox 720 will be revealed next month says rumour – and will cost $500.
For those who were expecting the Xbox 720 to be revealed in April, it would appear that that was indeed the original plan – but things have since changed. The Xbox 720 Durango was originally intended to be revealed on the 24th of this month, but since then is now being put back to May 21st.
This is according to the rumours from US reporter Paul Thurrott. He is well known for his Microsoft leaks – so perhaps his rumours have a little bite to them.
The Xbox 720 Durango will – unsurprisingly be based on Windows 8, and will of course use the Blu-Ray discs. It’s likely that the device will see a Novemeber 2013 release, but you’d better start saving those pennies.
“Durango is going to be expensive; $500, $300 with a subscription – that kind of thing,” he said.
“Originally, they were going to announce this thing on April 24. Now they’re going to announce it on May 21. We know there are events occurring this year where we’re going to learn more about Durango.
“E3 is going to occur, Build is going to occur in San Francisco in June when they’re going to talk about the developer story – because it’s a Windows 8 device. It’s going to have the same, or basically the same, developer tools and developer APIs and all that kind of stuff.”
Further more, if you’re wondering if Paul Thurrott had anything to say about the rather persistent rumours about the always connected requirement of the Xbox 720:
“Going back and looking at some of the stuff I got a long time ago, it actually says ‘must be internet connected to use’ – that’s in the notes. That’s all I have, but it does say that,” he said.
“For me everything I’ve seen has been really positive. It’s amazing to me that based on no information at all everyone is freaking out.
“Aside from this online thing, the number one concern I’ve gotten from people is ‘what does it look like?’ Who gives a shit?”
Furthermore – you’d better add another codename into the growing list – Stingray. This will be a $99 Xbox 360 console – although the specs haven’t been revealed as yet.
So – just how powerful will the Xbox 720 Durango be, and more to the point – why is the device so expensive (100 US dollars more than its main rival, Sony’s Playstation 4). we’ll have to see I’m afraid – there’s on thing for sure, it’s going to be a very month if that’s true.