I recently started a Hearthstone video series, Miss Play, so I am very much a newbie to the game. Still, this blog is going to my thoughts, musings and experiments. Plus the occasional complaint about Nerfs.
As well as playing the Arena for my Miss Play series, I’ve been playing a fair few games in Casual Constructed, just trying to get a feel for the game, the cards, how they synergise and so on.
I’ve watched a fair few of TotalBiscuit’s “Lord of the Arena” series, and I began to get a liking for the Rogue. They seemed to have lots of cool options for removal, spell damage and of course an interesting hero power. So I decided to move away from the Mage deck I had (a very basic one which would no doubt make Kripp cry) and experiment with the Rogue.
Obviously the main problem I’m having at the moment is that I just don’t have many cards unlocked, but I have been trying to experiment and implement interesting strategies as best as I can.
As I began to play, I noticed an interesting synergy with spell damage increase cards, removal/damage cards such as Backstab or Headcrack, and the Wild Pyromancer.
Let’s say that luck has smiled upon you and given you The Coin, so you can play the Wild Pyromancer on turn one. In the next few turns, if you have cards like Backstab, not only can you deal direct damage to the minion this can deal that extra damage, clear the board, and then hit the hero for three damage. It really starts to synergise beautifully if you play this later on, when you have a spell damage creature on the board.
So you could potentially put out Fan of Knives for 1 damage plus draw, the Wild Pyromancer would go off, doing a further 1 damage to all minions and still leaves the potential for 3 damage on the board.
Now the Wild Pyromancer is a big bullet magnet for this reason, but even if you don’t have him out on the board, pretty much ALL of the Rogue’s damage cards, like Fan of Knives, Assassinate and so on are spells. So you can still have a really nice synergy with spell damage creatures.
This way, you can have a syngery with almost your whole deck. Of course, you are going to need Taunt and other non spell damage cards, and that’s fine. But a couple throughout each stage of the Mana Curve, plus the Rogue insane arsenal of spells, can make for some very interesting play.
I am still very early into my experiements, and am still collecting and unlocking cards, so who knows, I may find more cards to add to this winning combination.