MercurySteam, the devs behind Castlevania Lords of Shadow, have given some details on their upcoming title for Xbox One, PS4 & PC.
This comes straight from Dave Cox, who is the head Konami’s UK studio as well as serving as producer for Castlevania Lords of Shadow. Whilst speaking in an interview with Gamespot on the topic of the new title, Dave promised that it will be “completely different” from the three previous Castlevania games.
This coincides with previous comments from them back in July 2013 that MercurySteam would be moving away from Castlevania after Castlevania Lords of Shadow 2.
“We’ve told Japan headquarters that this is the last one for us. There’s nothing worse than when somebody’s got something to say, and when they’ve said it, they just keep talking. We’ve got a beginning and end, and it’s a cool ending and a cool story. Once we’ve done that, it’s time to say to somebody else ‘now it’s your turn.”
While this unannounced title may give you hope that Castlevania Lords of Shadow 2 might make it’s way to next gen consoles, Dave Cox has previously said that MercurySteam has no plans to bring it to next gen, due to the massive amount of work which would be need to be done to the game engine.
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