If you’re a technology lover, it’s hard to not be interested in AMD’s upcoming next generation processor architecture – Zen, which marks a radical departure from the companies older processor designs found in the current Excavator series. As someone who has been following the PC industry since the mid 90’s (yeah, I was pretty.
Read More →Finally we’re starting to get a good picture of what AMD have planned with Zen, their successor to their Bulldozer lineup of CPU’s. Just yesterday we covered a leaked block diagram of the Zen, which gave us an insight into the inner workings of the CPU at a core by core level, demonstrating (among.
Read More →If you’ve a passing interest in the PC gaming scene, you’ll likely have heard of Valve’s plans to push towards OpenGL and the Linux OS. The two most obvious cases for this would be the companies own (still in Beta) SteamOS, and their own Steam Machines. Many games developers are ‘in bed’ with Microsoft.
Read More →How does the PS4’s Jaguar Stack Up Against a gaming PC? The AMD Jaguar lies at the heart of the Playstation 4 (and likely, the XBox 720 Durango) and once you hear that the consoles feature 8 cores, it can sound nothing short of a monster. But is it really? The PS4 and Durango.
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